Astro-images, Interacting and colliding galaxies from the Arp catalogue

All photos by Jeffrey W. Mirick

Specs for images taken with a camera and lens:
Camera: Panasonic lumix DC-S5 Full Frame Camera - 26MB
Lens: 70-200 mm, F2.8 lens
Temperature: Room temperature
Star Tracking: The camera was mounted on the
Sky-Watcher Star Adventure to track the stars across the sky.
Mount: The Sky Watcher (and camera) was mounted on a camera mount capable of holding the weight of the Star tracker, camera, and lens.
Stacked images: 80 to 120 images were stacked to reduce the noise using PixInsight.
Specs for taking images using a telescope:
Telescope: Orion 190 mm (7.5 inches) F5.6 Maksutov-Newtonian (Mak-Newt) Astrogrraph Telescope
Mount: Orion Atlas II, EQ-G Computerized Goto Mount
Camera: Orion cooled CMOS 26 MB G26 camera Temperature: Camera was cooled to 0 C
Filter: SkyGlow Broadband Filter - Light pollution filter

ObjectArp 55, Grasshopper Galaxy, UGC 4881
DateMarch 16, 2023
Distance527 Million Light Years
Exposure 37 subs at 5 minutes - total exposure: 3 hours 5 minutes<.td>

ObjectArp 65, NGC 90 and NGC 93, upper left of center in image
DateDecember 20, 2024
Distance335 Million Light Years
Magnitude13 to 14
Exposure 72 subs at 2 minutes - total exposure: 2 hours 24 minutes

ObjectArp 85, M51a, NGC 5194 and NGC 5195, Whirlpool galaxy
DateMay 11, 2024
ConstellationCanes Venatici
Distance25 Million Light Years
CommentsThis photo was taken with a Lumix S5 full frame camera with a 600 mm focal length lens at f6.3 and a tracking mount and tripod. NGC 5198 is also visible in the upper right corner at magnitude 13.2
Exposure 51 subs at 20 seconds, total exposure: 17 minutes

ObjectArp 94, NGC 3226 and NGC 3227
DateMarch 27, 2022
Distance50 to 60 Million Light Years
Exposure 24 subs at 3 minutes, total exposure: 1 hour 12 minutes

ObjectArp 116, M60 and NGC 4647
DateMay 4, 2022
Distance63 Million Light Years
CommentsSupernova, M60-UCD1 (ultracompact dwarf galaxy), other neighboring galaixes
Exposure 22 subs at 3 minutes, total exposure: 1 hour 6 minutes

ObjectArp 120, Eyes Galaxies, NGC 4435 and NGC 4438
DateMay 8, 2023
Distance50-60 Million Light Years
CommentsPart of the Markarian's chain of galaxies, M84 and M86 visible at magnitude 9
Exposure 44 subs at 2 minutes, total exposure: 1 hour 28 minutes

ObjectArp 142, Penguin (or Porpoise) Galaxy, NGC 2936
Date takenMarch 2025
Distance352 Million Light Years
Exposure 96 subs at 2 minutes, total exposure: 3 hours 12 minutes

ObjectArp 143, NGC 2444 and NGC 2445, The Triangle
DateApril 2024
Distance191 Million Light Years
CommentsGain: 1000
Exposure 72 subs at 2 minutes, total exposure: 2 hours 24 minutes

ObjectArp 147
DateApril 2024
Distance430 Million Light Years
CommentsInteracting ring galaxies
Exposure121 subs at 2 minutes, total exposure: 4 hours 2 minutes

ObjectArp 148, Mayall's Object
DateMarch 27, 2022
ConstellationUrsa Major
Distance450 Million Light Years
Magnitudeabout 15
Commentstwo colliding galaxies
Exposure12 subs at 5 minutes, total exposure: 1 hour

ObjectArp 271, NGC 5426 and NGC 5427
DateJuly 4, 2022
Distance120 Million Light Years
Exposure22 subs at 5 minutes, total exposure: 1 hours 50 minutes

ObjectArp 273, The Rose, UGC 1810 and 1813
DateDecember 2, 2024
Distance300 Million Light Years
Exposure120 subs at 2 minutes, total exposure: 4 hours

ObjectArp 319, The Stephan's Quintet
DateDecember 2, 2024
Distance210 to 340 Million Light Years
Magnitudeabout 13 to 17 for the faintest
Exposure120 subs at 2 minutes, total exposure: 4 hours

Twin Quasars

Distance: 8.8 Billion Light Years Magnitude: 17 Constellation: Ursa Major Gravitational lensing is creating 2 images of the same quasar.
The large galaxy responsible for the lensing is at a distance of 3.7 billion light years
and is not visible in the image.
In 1979 this quasar became the first confirmed example of gravitational lensing.