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Jeffrey W. Mirick received his Bachelor of Science degree in Physics in 1979 and a Master of Science degree in Physics in 1983 from the University of South Florida.  The publications include:


1.            Jeffrey W. Mirick, Chang-Hong Chien, and Estela Blaisten-Barojas, Electronic Structure of Calcium Clusters, Phys. Rev. A (Feb 2001)

2.            R. H. Hunt, W. N. Shelton, W. B. Cook, O. N. Bignall, J. W. Mirick, F. A. Flaherty, Torsion-Rotation Absorption Line Assignments in the Symmetric CH-Stretch Fundamentals of Methanol, J. Mol. Spect, V149, 252 (1991)

3.            G. S. He, J. W. Mirick, R. S. Chang, N. Djeu, Intensity Dependence of Two-Wave Mixing absorption in a resonant medium, Optics Letters, V12, 582, (1987)


Presentations at scientific conferences include:


1.            Jeffrey W. Mirick and Estela Blaisten-Barojas, Structure, Energetics, and Vibrational Analysis of Calcium Clusters, American Physical Society Meeting, Washington, DC, April 2001

2.            Jeffrey W. Mirick and Estela Blaisten-Barojas, Calcium Clusters: Structures and Energetics, ACS Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting, American Chemical Society, May 2000

3.            Jeffrey W. Mirick and Estela Blaisten-Barojas, Vibrational Analysis of Calcium Clusters, Virginia Academy of Science, Norfolk, Va., May 1999


4.            Jeffrey W. Mirick, Hemispherical Ion Beam Modes, Plasma Physics Poster Session, October 1982




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